“Kodak WP1 manual, owner’s manual instruction, view online, operation, specification, features, price, review, FREE download kodak wp1 user manual guide PDF”
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This is an article about Kodak WP1 Manual. This article is aimed to provide you the manual of this amazing Canon camera product. Therefore, whenever you need the information about this product, you can simply download it in this page.
Further, for the new user, this manual might be helpful to help you understanding this product. While for the old ones, in case you have lost your Kodak WP1 Manual book, the manual below can be treated as a replacement.
Introduction to Kodak WP1 Manual
What we have sensed since the very first time is that everyone needs the manual of a product, especially for a digital camera product. With this manual, there will be a lot of information obtained.
Something like specification, camera parts, function, and others will be so much beneficial to support the operation of this camera. Therefore, we aimed to provide you the Kodak WP1 Manual for a better use of this amazing camera product.
Kodak WP1 Look and Appearance
Apparently, it is already perpetuated that we need to put Kodak WP1 Manual second after we talked about its specification first. So, as a starting point of the specification, let’s concentrate on the whole appearance of this camera.
Technically, this Kodak product is easy to be recognized since they have catchy outlook and extraordinary design. And for this one, this machine is designed in masculine and strong nuance.
With the domination of yellow and black, you can’t deny its sporty touch. As the action camera, Kodak does very well in building slim body by its 4.2 x 2.4 x 1.1 inches body dimension. It fits on your bag even on your pocket.
Moreover, this camera is also supported by very light of total weight that is approximately 4.6 ounces including the battery and memory card.
Last but not least, the cover is designed of having Dust Resistant and Shockproof feature that will be very useful for you. There is nothing to add or remove from the appearance since everything has already perfect.
The Specification of Kodak WP1 Camera
Which one do you choose? A camera with good coverage, or a camera with fabulous performance? Why don’t you choose both? You can get those two requirements on Kodak WP1. This product is manufactured right under Kodak Corporation, one of the most well-known camera manufacturers in this globe.
This camera belongs to action camera category, so you are free to bring it along your trip and enjoy your life with your style. Launched on November 2014, WP1 is one of action cameras out there to be highly recommended. Here are the complete details.
Talking about specification, this imaging product comes with the superior one. It can be seen by the specification written in the Kodak WP1 Manual.
Here, you can see 16.44 Image Resolution with 1/2.3 Image Sensor Format are chosen to be the main equipment in resulting amazing images and videos quality. With this equipment, this camera is really satisfying in recording videos by producing up to 1280 x 720 Video Resolution.
Still from the Kodak WP1 Manual, AA Alkaline is chosen as the supported battery for this camera. It is capable of snapping 190 frames (based on the screen brightness and flash uses).
Feel free to select the most suitable memory card between Micro SD and Micro SDHC. One thing that you will like from Kodak WP1 is its Waterproof Design. As its name, this machine is able to survive under water and take the beauty inside it.
The Price and Impression of Kodak WP1
Now everything is possible with this gadget. You can explore objects wherever they are no matter what. It is worth to spend your 104 USD.
With all superiority it has, this price will definitely be something worth to pay.
Keith, one of the Kodak WP1 users said that this is the greatest little waterproof camera for the price. So, what are you waiting for? This is the camera that will definitely fit to your extreme adventure life.
Kodak WP1 Manual User Guide
As it is stated before, this product is classified as the old product. That’s why we think some people might lose the manual of it. Therefore, to anticipate this thing, we provide users Kodak WP1 Manual as a replacement from the old one. On the other side, this manual is not only useful for the users.
But it will be helpful too for the one who wants to learn deeper about this camera. Therefore, if you want to understand this camera better, referencing to below manual will be a good idea. The manual will be provided in PDF. So, if you want to access it, it will be better for you to download the PDF reader first.
Read other Kodak camera manual user guide in this page. Find more Camera user manual several other brands in this page.
That’s all of the Kodak WP1 Manual information that we need to share. Any other idea, opinion, or critique to both these product and articles, the comment session below is available for you. Further, if you think this article is useful, you may share it to your own page. Therefore, the information of Kodak WP1 Manual can be spread in the wider range of audience.