Tips & Tricks: Basic Shooting Technique


A photographer initially has to master the camera and how it works. So that knowledge of basic shooting techniques is no less important than the practice of photographing in the field. Now that we know the types of photos, it is time to find out how to take photos to produce a photographic work. A photographer initially has to master the camera and how it works. This basic shooting technique can be used as knowledge to take pictures. The pictures taken will be more varied and have their own values.

Three Basic Shooting Technique

Here are the three basics Shooting Techniques . These three basic are very basic and become basic knowledge of the photographer.

Read too about Tips & Trick: All About Street Photography for Beginners


The first basic shooting technique is focusing. The term focusing in photography is the process of sharpening images in a particular field of an object of photography. The basic technique of Focusing shooting is the most basic technique but it is so important. It is important to get sharp and clear images, we must focus precisely. The selection of a particular field or point in an object image will determine the impression of “depth” in a photograph. The object that we will face in the shoot is not just a still object. But we will also be confronted with moving objects for this basic shooting technique is needed. For example sports photos. This will affect the level of difficulty in focusing. For the learning phase, do the basic technical shooting on stationary objects first until we understand the precise focusing technique. This is the first basic shooting technique, focusing.

Basic Shooting Techniques  :   Focusing
Basic Shooting Techniques : Focusing

Speed Settings

The next basic shooting technique is speed regulation. The negative combustion process in the camera to get certain images is influenced by the way the camera works and the shutter speed. With this basic shooting technique, we can determine the shutter speed when burning with speed settings. The higher the speed we use, the faster the shutter will work and vice versa. The lower the speed we use, the slower the shutter will work. In the world of photography there are terms of normal lighting, low lighting and high lighting. Normal lighting is where we determine the right speed and diaphragm to get the picture as in the actual state of the photographic object.

 Basic Shooting Techniques  :  Speed Settings
Basic Shooting Techniques : Speed Settings

Over exposure is compensating for the speed setting to get more lighting intensity than normal lighting and the resulting image is brighter than the original condition. Under exposure is exposure compensation at speed settings to reduce light intensity under normal lighting. Under exposure is often used when light conditions in shooting are too harsh so compensating will be needed to get the maximum image. Speed regulation is a basic shooting technique that must be known to beginners.

Diaphragm Settings

The last basic shooting technique is the diaphragm arrangement. An interesting photo is where the photo has a dimension of space or depth impression. Diaphragm facility on the camera lens plays an important role in regulating the separation between the background plane and the main object. The basic technique of diaphragm shooting also determines how wide the sharp space is in the photo. The smaller the diaphragm opening the wider the sharp space we can get and the larger the aperture the narrower the sharper space in the photo. This is the last basic shooting technique.

  Basic Shooting Techniques  :   Diaphragm Settings
Basic Shooting Techniques : Diaphragm Settings

That’s the basic technique of shooting. Of course engineering requires practice directly in the field. However, there is no harm in knowing the theory. So that when practice in the field will be more confident. Have you mastered this basic shooting technique?

Read too about Tips & Tricks: Types of Photos

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